“Full Moon from Memory,” chalk pastel by Maria Theresa Maggi
The moon is full in Leo’s opposite, at 19 degrees Aquarius in the tropical zodiac on August 11, 2022 at 6:36 PM PDT.
I call Aquarius the sign of transfiguration. A general definition on the internet describes transfiguration as “a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state.” Aquarius gives us the experience of instantaneous knowing that changes how we see things. The term transfiguration also brings to mind the scene in the New Testament when after being pestered by the apostles about whether or not he really IS the Son of God, Jesus takes his closest friends among them (Peter, James and John, if I am remembering correctly) up a mountain and says to them, “Alright, do you really want to know who I am? I’ll show you, but you can’t tell anybody yet because it’s not time.” (My paraphrasing, of course). And then he transforms himself into the being of light that he really is and of course they can’t look at him: the light is so bright, they fall back to the ground in the face of it. Afterwards, Jesus says to them, okay now you know. But you can’t tell anyone. Yet. While two prophets of old appear with him as he transfigures, his body of light represents the future of his divinity being made known.
I often used this story when discussing Aquarian energy with my clients back in the day because it features many hallmarks of Aquarian affinity. First of all, groups, and within those groups, friendships. Also, the friends want to know the truth about the nature of their teacher, and what this might mean for the future. Is he human? Is he divine? Jesus shows him he is both. He also shows them that the truth can be non-sequential. We can suddenly know something without being able to explain the steps of how to get there. And that knowledge can be impossible at times to impart to those who will want a sequence in order to understand. Sometimes we are “placed” somewhere mentally all of a sudden and must move forward into the future and trust it.